Village of Port Williams

Biggest Little Port in the World

Emergency Management Organization Committee

This Committee deals with the usage of the Port Williams Community Centre as a COMFORT CENTRE during emergencies. The members of the committee are:
  • Wayne Blenkhorn - Municipal EMO Committee member
  • Chief Jason Stevens - Fire Department
  • Lewis Benedict - Village Commission Chairperson
  • Joe Keddy - Superintendent of Public Works
  • Ernie Hovell - Lions Club Representative
  • Carol Burden - Loyal Workers representative
  • Debbie Graves - Commissioner/Response Coordinator
  • Ruth Blenkhorn - Womens Institute representative
  • Brock McDougall - Village CAO-Clerk
The overall management of emergencies in Port Williams rests with the Municipality of the County of Kings with the assistance from the Province.

Source Water Protection Committee

Terms of Reference: The Source Water Protection Committee is constituted as an Advisory Committee to the Village of Port Williams Commission to address problems and solutions to all matters concerning water quality, water quantity, levels and flows together with land use issues within the Source Water Protection Area.

The members are appointed by the Village Commission and serve a term of at least one year. The Committee is made up the following persons:
  • Scott Lister - Department of Environment & Labour
  • Kim Cogswell - Village Commissioner 
  • Debbie Graves - Village Commissioner
  • Greg Coldwell - Resident/Farmer
  • Craig Newcombe - Resident/Farmer
  • Lewis Benedict - Resident and Chair
  • Joe Keddy - Superintendent of Public Works
  • June Granger - District Councillor, Municipality of Kings

Secondary Planning Strategy Advisory Committee

This committee has been disbanded as of April 20, 2010.  Minutes and all documentation concerning this committee can be found at the Municipality of Kings Website. Committee members:
  • Lewis Benedict - Chair
  • Ben Sivak - Planner, Municipality of Kings
  • Debbie Graves
  • Joe Hickman
  • Richard Rand
  • Robin Whidden
  • Craig Newcombe
  • Scott Leier

Recreation Committee

The Committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday every other month at 7:00p.m. in the Community Centre Boardroom. The Executive of the Committee are:


Waterfront Steering Committee

This Committee has been established to work with the consultant, Ekistics Planning & Design to develop a waterfront revitalization plan. The completion date is expected to be around February 2011. Committee members:

  • Lewis Benedict, Chair Village Commission
  • Kim Cogswell, Commissioner
  • Ben Sivak, Planning Manager - Municipality of Kings
  • Jennifer Weisner, Development Officer - Kings Regional Development Agency
  • Earl Kidston, Resident/Stakeholder
  • Leigh Morrison, Resident/Stakeholder
The Port Williams Waterfront Development Plan January 2011 Final Report, submitted by Ekistics Planning & Design is downladable HERE

This Committee has been disbanded as of June 21, 2011

Waterfront Development Committee

This Committee has been established as the next step in the waterfront revitalization plan. Committee members:

  • Chair: Kim Cogswell, Commissioner
  • Lewis Benedict, Chair Village Commission
  • Emma Van Rooyen, Resident
  • Leigh Morrison, Resident and Stakeholder
  • Earl Kidston, Resident and Stakeholder
  • David Acton, Resident
This Committee has been disbanded

Area Advisory Committee

Committee members:

  • Craig Newcombe, Citizen Member
  • Ernie Hovell, Organization Member
  • Lewis Benedict, Organization Member
  • Kim Cogswell, Organization Member
  • David Acton, Citizen Member
  • Wade Noiles, Citizen Member
  • June Granger, Municipal Councillor


Upcoming Events

Village Commission Meetings
19 Nov 2024
07:00PM - 08:30PM

Village Commission Meetings
17 Dec 2024
07:00PM - 08:30PM

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port williams crest

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